In this learning unit, you will discover how to make patterns for your shoe designs. You will discover how a pattern maker's workshop looks like and which are the most used tools in this art. You will learn the origins of this task, starting with paper and pen, and will get to know how it has been transformed into a digital and virtual environment. You will learn how to use a tool for sizing and redesigning the upper of fabric or leather. Thanks to augmented reality, you will learn about the various CAD systems on the market and what each of them can be used for.
scan the QR Code
Then point your device camera at the image at the right. For the best AR experience, scan a printed marker.
Android use chrome - IOS use Safari
Contents and questions for evaluation related to each learning unit
Proposal of a possible implantation scheme in the space of the learning unit
Description of the most suitable profile(s) for the implementation of the learning unit